Assisting with Feeding and Drinking

Assisting with Feeding and Drinking

Assisting with Feeding and Drinking is a course designed for caregivers who are responsible for providing assistance to individuals who have difficulties eating and drinking independently. This may include elderly individuals, people with disabilities, or those recovering from illness or surgery. The course aims to equip caregivers with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively and safely assist their clients with feeding and drinking, while maintaining their dignity and promoting independence.

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  • Lessons: 0
  • Number of tests: 3
  • Hours: 1.0 hours
  • Students who are studying this course: 97
What you will learn
  • Assessing and identifying individual needs for assistance with feeding and drinking
  • Techniques and strategies for assisting with feeding and drinking
  • Food and drink preparation, including dietary modifications and adaptations
  • Recognising and addressing common challenges and issues related to feeding and drinking
  • Maintaining hygiene and safety during mealtime assistance


    • Exam- Assisting with Feeding and Drinking Exam- Assisting with Feeding and Drinking
    • 15 mins

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