Bed Making Skills

Bed Making Skills

Bed Making Skills is a practical course designed for healthcare workers in the United Kingdom who are responsible for the cleanliness, comfort, and safety of patients' beds. As a healthcare worker, understanding the correct procedures and techniques for bed making is essential to ensure patient satisfaction and reduce the risk of infection and injury. This course focuses on teaching the best practices for bed making, including the various types of beds found in healthcare settings, the importance of infection control, and the steps involved in creating a comfortable and safe sleeping environment for patients.

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  • Lessons: 0
  • Number of tests: 3
  • Hours: 0.5 hours
  • Students who are studying this course: 165
What you will learn
  • Different types of beds used in healthcare facilities
  • Proper techniques for making an unoccupied and occupied bed
  • Infection control and prevention measures
  • Guidelines for maintaining patient safety and comfort during bed making
  • Handling and disposing of used linens and bedding materials


    • Exam- Bed Making Skills Exam- Bed Making Skills
    • 15 mins

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