Contribute to Health and Safety in Health and Social Care - Level 3

Contribute to Health and Safety in Health and Social Care - Level 3

Contribute to Health and Safety in Health and Social Care - Level 3 is a comprehensive course designed for caregivers who aim to improve their understanding and implementation of health and safety measures in their respective care settings. This course focuses on essential knowledge and practical strategies to maintain a safe and healthy environment for both clients and care professionals. As a caregiver, you will learn about risk assessments, infection prevention and control, fire safety, and the importance of reporting and recording incidents in line with legal and organizational policies.This course aligns to NVQ level 3.

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  • Lessons: 0
  • Number of tests: 3
  • Hours: 1.0 hours
  • Students who are studying this course: 247
What you will learn
  • Risk assessment procedures and techniques
  • Infection prevention and control measures
  • Incident reporting and recording
  • Legal and organizational health and safety policies and procedures


    • Exam- Contribute to Health and Safety in Health and Social Care - Level 3 Exam- Contribute to Health and Safety in Health and Social Care - Level 3
    • 15 mins

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