Dressing and Toileting

Dressing and Toileting

Dressing and toileting are essential activities of daily living (ADLs) that contribute significantly to an individual's independence, dignity, and overall quality of life. In the healthcare setting, healthcare workers often assist patients who have limited mobility, cognitive impairments, or other health conditions that affect their ability to perform these tasks independently. This course is designed to provide healthcare workers with the knowledge and skills required to effectively assist patients with dressing and toileting activities while maintaining their privacy and promoting their well-being.

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  • Lessons: 0
  • Number of tests: 3
  • Hours: 1.0 hours
  • Students who are studying this course: 278
What you will learn
  • Identify common barriers to independent dressing and toileting
  • Learn proper techniques for assisting patients with dressing and undressing
  • Understand the appropriate use of adaptive equipment for dressing and toileting
  • Learn proper techniques for assisting patients with toileting, including the use of bedpans, urinals, and commodes
  • Recognise the importance of infection control and hygiene during dressing and toileting assistance
  • Implement strategies to promote patient privacy and dignity during dressing and toileting assistance


    • Exam- Dressing and Toileting Exam- Dressing and Toileting
    • 15 mins

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