Falls Prevention in Healthcare

  • 1.0 hours
  • Knowledge reviews: 0
  • Exams: 1
  • Certificate of completion
  • Available in: English

Course Description

Falls Prevention in Healthcare is a critical topic for caregivers, as falls can lead to serious injuries and complications for patients, particularly the elderly and those with limited mobility. This course aims to provide caregivers with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify potential fall risks, implement effective strategies, and create a safe environment for patients under their care. Through this course, caregivers will develop a solid understanding of the underlying causes of falls, assessment tools, and practical interventions to minimise the risk of falls for their patients.

What will be taught topics

  • Identifying common risk factors for falls
  • Fall risk assessment tools and techniques
  • Strategies for preventing falls in various healthcare settings
  • Creating a safe environment for patients
  • Communication and collaboration with the healthcare team
Lesson list
  • Exam- Falls Prevention in Healthcare