Law and Ethics in Healthcare

Law and Ethics in Healthcare

Law and Ethics in Healthcare is an introductory course designed for caregivers who are interested in understanding the legal and ethical aspects of healthcare delivery in the United Kingdom. This course will provide a foundation for understanding the rights and responsibilities of both healthcare providers and patients, as well as the ethical principles that guide decision-making in the healthcare setting. By the end of the course, caregivers will be better equipped to navigate the complex healthcare landscape while adhering to the highest standards of professional conduct.

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  • Lessons: 0
  • Number of tests: 2
  • Hours: 1.0 hours
  • Students who are studying this course: 84
What you will learn
  • Ethical principles in healthcare decision-making
  • Patient rights and responsibilities
  • Legal and ethical issues related to patient privacy and confidentiality


    • Exam- Law and Ethics in Healthcare Exam- Law and Ethics in Healthcare
    • 15 mins

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