Medical Terminology for Healthcare Workers

Medical Terminology for Healthcare Workers

Medical Terminology for Healthcare Workers is a foundational course designed to help them understand and use medical language in their daily work. The course focuses on the most common medical terms, abbreviations, and symbols used in the UK healthcare system. By learning these terms, staff can effectively communicate with other healthcare professionals, read medical records, and understand medical documents. This course aims to provide staff with the necessary knowledge to confidently navigate medical terminology in their professional lives.

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  • Lessons: 0
  • Number of tests: 2
  • Hours: 1.0 hours
  • Students who are studying this course: 291
What you will learn
  • Understanding word roots, prefixes, and suffixes
  • Common medical abbreviations and symbols
  • Terminology related to body systems and diseases
  • Strategies for learning and remembering medical terms


    • Exam- Medical Terminology for Healthcare Workers Exam- Medical Terminology for Healthcare Workers
    • 15 mins

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