Risk Management and Incident Reporting - Level 1

Risk Management and Incident Reporting - Level 1

Risk Management and Incident Reporting - Level 1 is a beginner course designed to educate caregivers about the fundamentals of risk management and incident reporting in a healthcare setting. The course aims to help caregivers understand the importance of identifying, assessing, and managing potential risks to ensure patient safety and minimise adverse events. The course also focuses on the proper procedures and protocols for reporting incidents, including documentation and follow-up, to promote a culture of continuous improvement and learning.

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  • Lessons: 0
  • Number of tests: 2
  • Hours: 0.5 hours
  • Students who are studying this course: 168
What you will learn
  • Describe the process of identifying and assessing potential risks
  • Explain the role of caregivers in risk management
  • Understand the purpose of incident reporting and its significance in patient safety
  • Learn the steps and procedures involved in incident reporting
  • Identify the importance of documentation and follow-up in incident reporting


    • Exam- Risk Management and Incident Reporting - Level 1 Exam- Risk Management and Incident Reporting - Level 1
    • 15 mins

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