Safeguarding Adults and Vulnerable People

Safeguarding Adults and Vulnerable People

Safeguarding Adults and Vulnerable People is a course designed to educate caregivers on the importance of protecting vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect, and harm. This course aims to raise awareness about abuse, its various forms, and the indicators that may signal a vulnerable adult is at risk. The course also provides guidelines on responding to and reporting suspected abuse and emphasizes the importance of promoting dignity, respect, and autonomy for all adults in care settings. As a caregiver, understanding your role in safeguarding adults is essential for providing a safe and supportive environment for those in your care.

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  • Lessons: 0
  • Number of tests: 3
  • Hours: 1.0 hours
  • Students who are studying this course: 65
What you will learn
  • Identify different types of abuse and their indicators
  • Understand the role of caregivers in safeguarding adults
  • Learn how to respond to and report suspected abuse
  • Promote dignity, respect, and autonomy for vulnerable adults
  • Understand the importance of collaborating with other professionals in safeguarding efforts


    • Exam- Safeguarding Adults and Vulnerable People Exam- Safeguarding Adults and Vulnerable People
    • 15 mins

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