Safeguarding Children and Young People - Level 1

Safeguarding Children and Young People - Level 1

Safeguarding Children and Young People - Level 1 is a comprehensive course designed for healthcare workers in the United Kingdom who play a crucial role in protecting the welfare of children and young people. This course aims to provide the necessary knowledge, skills, and understanding of safeguarding principles, procedures, and best practices to ensure the well-being of children and young people in a healthcare setting. By completing this course, participants will gain a solid foundation in safeguarding, learn to identify potential risks, and understand their responsibilities as healthcare professionals in reporting concerns and taking appropriate actions to protect young individuals.

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  • Lessons: 0
  • Number of tests: 3
  • Hours: 0.5 hours
  • Students who are studying this course: 86
What you will learn
  • The legal framework for safeguarding in the UK
  • Recognising signs and symptoms of abuse
  • Types of abuse and their impact on children and young people
  • Identifying and reporting concerns
  • The role of health care workers in safeguarding


    • Exam- Safeguarding Children and Young People - Level 1 Exam- Safeguarding Children and Young People - Level 1
    • 15 mins

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