Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence

Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence

Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence is a comprehensive course that aims to educate caregivers about the various forms of violence and abuse that women may experience, both within and outside the home. This course provides an understanding of the different types of violence, the factors that contribute to these issues, and the impact of these experiences on women's physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It also offers practical strategies for recognising signs of abuse and violence, providing support to victims, and connecting them with appropriate resources and services.

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  • Lessons: 0
  • Number of tests: 2
  • Hours: 0.5 hours
  • Students who are studying this course: 154
What you will learn
  • Understand the factors contributing to these issues and their impact on women's well-being
  • Identify the signs of abuse and violence in women
  • Learn how to provide support to victims and connect them with appropriate resources and services


    • Exam- Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence Exam- Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence
    • 15 mins

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